Festival of Frugaltiy #56

Festival of Frugaltiy #56 is up at Savvy Steward. And the host has presented the carnival in the form of ten commandments. Is this a creative week for carnivals or what? Anyway, here are my favourites from this week -

  • Stingy Student has a great article on saving money on text books. All of you still looking to buy text books should take a look at that article for some fantastic money saving tips.

  • English Major has a well-written article about the cost of branding. If you scoff at generic store brands and only buy the "cool" branded stuff, this article is for you. I love her punchline!

  • My Two Dollars has a master list of 66 Ways to Save Money. If you had a chance to look around this site and like the 101 Tips for Frugal Living you will probably like two-dollar's list too. There is a bit of overlap in the two lists, but there are several new tips for saving money on Life Insurance, Home Equity Loans, Renting, Prescription Drugs and Funeral Arrangements(!!!).

My submission this week is titled Healthy Makeover for Cheap Quick-Meals. Enjoy!

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