The Best of Finance Blogosphere: “Ugh, It’s Tax Time” Edition
If you are like us (and probably a million other Americans), you probably still haven’t done your taxes yet. If you are very much like us, you probably looked at the calendar and decided to postpone it by yet another weekend. Well, all you last-minute tax filers, here is a list of some good tax articles from the finance blogosphere that can serve as a quick reference (or a cheat sheet) when you scramble for info in the 11th hour.
If you are a very last minute person and have not done any homework yet, and stare blankly at someone who asks you if you will be itemizing your deductions, then you should definitely take a look at this article by John @ Queercents. John has done a great job in collecting together in one place a bunch of tax primers. Based on my experience, I would recommend that you start out with the Tax Basics tutorial and then move on to the other resources John has listed.
Fell asleep while still browsing the first few pages of tax basics tutorial? Prefer someone to put it all together in a “short form” version and give you only the information that you need to know? Well, I’ve got just the right resource for you! William Wallets @ A Financial Revolution has put together a short(er) version over here. Maybe you will like this one better.
OK, now that we have covered the basics and all set to go fill up those tax forms (next weekend, that is), it is time to look at Costly Tax Mistakes and What You Can Do about Them @ Read this before preparing the tax forms, and hopefully save a lot of headache later.
Your taxes are a little more complicated thanks to all those entrepreneurial ventures you have been juggling? You looked through the resources but are still not sure how to proceed? Then you might be interested at what Jim @ Blueprint for Financial Prosperity has to say about Calculating and Paying Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments. If you still haven’t resolved your issues then you should probably speak to an eminently qualified CPA and tax analyst. “Doesn’t that cost a lot of money?” you ask? Heck, no! Not if you head over to Ramit’s blog I will teach you to be rich where you can post your tax questions and possibly get them answered by David Bergstein, a CPA/tax accountant with 40 years of experience! If you want to take this route, rush, because the last I checked, there were already 110 comments on that post!
Aaaahhh, now you are finally ready and good to go. Just one last stop. Check out FreeFile Your Taxes @ My Personal Finance Blog. (No, I am not talking about my blog – that’s just somebody else’s blog’s name).
With taxes out of the way, its time to take a look at this week’s Carnivals and Festivals.
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