The Best of Finance Blogosphere: Weekly Roundup for Apr 28 – May 05, 2007
Jeremy @ Generation X Finance has been publishing a great series called 24 Signs That You Could be in Financial Trouble. I highly recommend this series to both newbies and seasoned pros in the world of personal finance. Phew... none of these signs in our household!
April was “Financial Literacy Month”. J.D @ Get Rich Slowly participated by publishing a video series about savings and investing. A Collection of Financial Literacy Resources presents this entire series in one neat package, along with several other articles. Definitely worth spending some time on!
Trent @ The Simple Dollar celebrated last week as “The Goals Week”. Since I like reading personal development articles as much as I like reading personal finance articles, I really enjoyed the articles this week. I liked this one in particular - Not Quite There Yet: How To Deal With Not Meeting Your Goals And Set Yourself Up For Success The Next Time.
Golbguru @ Money, Matter and More Musings asks an interesting question Husband, Does Your Wife Know How To Invest? Wife, Does Your Husband Know How To Pay The Bills?. In our house the investments are combined decisions and most bills are shared. *But* the better half almost exclusively handles taxes by himself and I really know embarrassingly little about it :( This year I had sworn to sit with him while doing the taxes, but... Hey, there’s always next year (or H&R Block :)
Next, to lighten up your mood on this lazy weekend day, here is a fun article by SVB @ The Digerati Life titled 5 Money and Currency Facts Your History Teacher Never Told You. I couldn’t even begin to guess where someone finds these trivia information from... or for that matter, what made SVB look up these trivia in the first place! Sure makes a fun read for us though :)
Sun @ The Sun’s Financial Diary has an analysis of the top 15 fastest growing job markets and the hottest jobs in these markets in the article America’s Hottest Jobs, based on 2-year job forecast in the latest issue of Business 2.0. Wohoo, both my city and my job are on the list. Now, if only someone could guarantee that there won’t be any layoffs for two more years... sigh!
Ever since the hurricane Rita threatened to rip through our city last year, I have been thinking I should make sure we have enough coverage in our home owners’ insurance. But who can make any sense of insurance papers? Erik, a licensed practicing claims adjuster, comes to the rescue with the article Breaking Down Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage posted on the blog Money Crashers. It’s a very detailed article and a very handy reference guide.
FMF @ Free Money Finance discusses an interesting situation he had. Stuck in the airport in the middle of a storm, he managed to find a convenient, reasonably priced hotel room. The catch? He had to call out his credit card number on the phone, right there from thw crowded airport to reserve the room. So, the dilemma was whether to actually give out the credit card info on the phone within the earshot of many people any of whom could try to save that information and commit identity theft later, or forego the room. To find out what he finally did check out Identity Theft/Stolen Credit Card in the Middle of an Airport.
I am a foodie. I love eating out and trying out different cuisines. The better half on the other hand is very much a creature of habit – even when it comes to food! He just does not like experimenting with food. While this has caused some minor squabbles between us, it’s nothing compared to the story Moorea @ Queer Cents tells in the article Sleeping With Money: Eating With “Class”. There is some great advice on how to deal with differences in attitudes about finances related to eating out between partners. It’s a lengthy article, but well worth a read!
And for all you folks in Chicago that are graduating in May, Wanda @ Well Heeled has a great deal - Get your college diploma framed for FREE! Pity, it's not a nation wide deal :(
And with that we now move to the list of Carnivals and Festivals for the week.
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