The Best of Finance Blogosphere: The Reminders Edition

Before we go to the round up of my favorite posts from this week, here are a few reminders.

One of our own, Stephanie Collins, from the ever-interesting blog Poorer than you is among the finalists for $10,000 student blogging scholarship! Don’t forget to vote for her!

If you are a personal finance blogger please consider participating in the PF Blogs Financial Literacy Challenge. It will be great if you can contribute, if not, I hope you will help spread the word. Every bit helps!

I currently am running a giveaway of a fascinating new book called “Your Money and Your Brain” that explores the psychology of personal finance with a lot of examples, stories and surveys. All you have to do to win is leave a comment on this post.

Finally, Monday is Blog Action Day where a lot of bloggers come together to write on one common topic – the environment. If you are a blogger, consider participating in this fun event.

Now onto some articles that caught my eye on the blogosphere.

  • Achieving Financial Freedom - I've Retired In My Forties @ My Wealth Builder. (This is undeniably the best post I have read this week. It fills me with so much hope, reassurance and motivation…

  • 5 essential tasks to minding your online business @ Mighty Bargain Hunter. I have a major dilemma on this topic that I have been avoiding for a while. I am currently on blogger. On the one hand, it offers a lot less flexibility than wordpress and so I would love to move. On the other hand it helps me avoid hassles about hosting mentioned by MBH and my lazy ass loves not having to worry about these things. Blogger has been able to handle the couple of surges I got due to being digg’d and I love this hassle free hosting. For now, I will put off the dilemma for some more time :)

  • Snowflaking – a primer @ I’ve paid for this twice already. A must-read if you are a fan of the debt snowball method!

  • 5 types of credit card users @ Cash Money Life. I am a hybrid of the Max Payer and an Arbitrager. What are you?

  • 6 ways you are passing up free money @ Brip Blap. Some great tips here. In addition to these tips, I use credit card arbitrage, employee stock purchase plan and services that give back (eg. realtor who gives back 1%) to make some free money.

  • Fat tax @ Thrifty Penny. Boy, if there was really a tax for not going to the gym, I’d be so broke! :)

  • Best and Worst Financial Decisions @ Plonkee Money. My best decision has been to invest in the 401K too!

  • Willing to pay more for... @ Saving for a Home of My Own. I personally will pay more for quality.

  • How to make money from merger arbitrage @ Creative Investor 101. This is some hard core stuff! I am still dipping my toes into the work of investing and find such articles so fascinating :) Some day hopefully I too will be a part of the elite investors club!

  • No rush to pay off my student loans @ Money Blue Book. This is a very good read if you have student loans at low interest rate.

  • Top 10 cheapest ways to exercise @ The Digerati Life. Boy, SVB just took away one of my excuses (going to the gym costs too much). Wonder how I will over come the other excuse (don’t have enough time).

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Thrifty Penny said...

Thanks for the mention!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. :)

Oh, Max Payer only for me. I have the credit rating to do arbitrage, but I just haven't found the time or will to do it. A lot of money can be found in those hills though! ;)

Anonymous said...

I noticed you just completed your degree too. How are you handling your student loans if any?

ispf said...

Thrifty Penny: You are welcome. I enjoyed your article!

Patrick: With the online accounts reducing the interest rate and many of the credit card providers charging high fees for 0% balance transfers, it's getting harder and harder to find deals that make arbitrage worth the trouble. If the going gets any worse, I will soon be a Max Payer only too :)

Money blue book: We took out some education loans before coming to the US for our masters. Once we were done with the masters, I chose to go for a Ph.D (got a fellowship - so thankfully no loans this time) and the husband decided to start working. This was around the time we realized we may have a debt problem and took aggressive action to pay off all our debt including the education loans (wrote about it here and here). None of our loans had the great interest rate that you have nabbed, and at that time we were on a crusade against debt. So now its all paid off.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention!

Overall having my own hosting is worth it. I just found out the hard way that I needed a little more hosting. ;)

Emm said...

Hey there! I just wanted to de-lurk myself as I've been reading your blog almost since the beginning of this year. I've just started my own, so I'm pretty new to this, but I want to thank you for the time you invest in helping to make students (like me!) more accountable in their young, financial life.


ispf said...

mbhunter: I guess I am living with my head in the sand. My blog still has a very small audience and so blogger seems OK. But every now and then the inflexibility (specially not being able to set up posts to be published automatically at a future date) bugs me. Maybe one of these days, I will stop making excuses and take the leap :)

Emm: Thanks for taking the time to leave the comment! It's comments like these that fuel my "addiction" to blogging and keep me going :)